I'm so excited! Last night I registered for the Vogue Knitting Live conference in NYC this upcoming January. I went back and forth about attending (it's kind of pricey), but finally decided the networking opportunities would be worth it, as well as the knowledge I'd gain from the 4 classes and 3 lectures I signed up for. Also my package comes with a gift card that will buy me 5 years of Vogue Knitting magazine subscriptions and a free Kaffe Fassett knitting book, Knitting with the Color Guys, yet to be released.
Here's my schedule. All class descriptions came from the VKLive website. Registration is now open if you want to join in on the fun.
Saturday January 14, 2012
8:00 - 11:00 Class: Photographing Your Fiber with Franklin Habit
Bring your own camera and a project or two, and learn the basics of lighting, depth of field, styling, and common fiber photography problems like capturing true color, capturing stitch definition, and photographing lace. We will also learn how to make a light box at home, cheap! No prior knowledge of photography necessary. The emphasis will be getting the best possible shots using your camera.
12:00-1:00 Lecture: Knitting on Top of the World with Nicky Epstein
Join Nicky to experience the history, growth, and evolution of knitting throughout the world, from one of her her favorite and most popular books, Knitting on Top of the World. Nicky will talk about various knitting techniques from many cultures around the world and explain her updated interpretations of them, along with lots of photographs. She’ll also have a fashion show with audience participation, highlighting garments from the book. It’s going to be fun and instructive!
2:00-5:00 Class: Professional Notes and Guidance on Fit, Fashion, and Finishing with Mari Lynn Patrick
With nearly 40 years in the fashion hand-knitting and crochet business, Mari Lynn Patrick will provide a wealth of information on garment fit (what works best, and commonly made mistakes in design); fashion guidance (how to stay focused on current trends that will resonate as classics into the future); and finishing details (both practical, with class demonstrations, and inspirational, on how to finish faster so you can move on to the next project).
7:00-10:00 Cocktail Reception and Charity Auction
Travel with us on a historic tour of downtown New York to the lavish and elegant venue Capitale, where you can sip our signature cocktail and mingle with knitterati. Our live charity auction gives you the opportunity to bid on and take home such knitting treasures as an original Nicky Epstein painting and a bound leather case of Elizabeth Zimmermann’s own needles. Entrance to the cocktail reception and charity auction is only given to those who purchase one of our two prime packages, the 5th Avenue Getaway Package and the Big Apple Weekender Package.
Sunday January 15, 2012
9:00-10:00 Lecture: A Kaleidoscope of Color with Kaffe Fassett
This lecture is designed to inspire and motivate. The presentation highlights works from his latest projects—these will include his patchwork quilt designs, needlepoint, mosaic, painting and knitting designs. A tremendous amount of Fassett’s inspiration comes from the past, and his lecture is designed not so much to instruct, but to empower and inspire the audience to create their “mind’s eye.” Audiences leave invigorated—entranced by Fassett’s use of (and sense of) color. They are ready to try it themselves, and are encouraged to do so. The slide show lasts approximately 45 minutes followed by a question-and-answer session and a book signing.
10:30-11:30 Lecture: A Design Retrospective with Norah Gaughan
A Vogue Knitting Master Knitter, and a professional hand-knit designer for over 25 years, Norah has an individual and intuitive approach to her work. Take a look at how Norah's work has evolved over the years.
2:00-5:00 Class: Top Down Shawl Design, Shaping, and Construction with Stephen West
No class description available
7:00-10:00 Gala Dinner and Fashion Show at Shannon Okey's table
Fair Isle and Aran-knitting expert Alice Starmore will host our Gala Dinner on Sunday night. This is your only opportunity to hear her speak at Vogue Knitting LIVE. Not only that, but you can choose to dine at the table of your favorite instructor and the dinner will also featureVogue Knitting’s only fashion show of the weekend. Tickets to the Gala Dinner are only available as part of the 5th Avenue Getaway Package or the Big Apple Weekender Package.
Monday January 16, 2012
2:00-5:00 Class: Menswear Design with Josh Bennett
We’ll discuss how to pick the right fiber for design, ease, fit, sizing, customizing for different body shapes, stitch choices, color and inspiration for menswear designs. You’ll also learn tricks to help your designs and garments have a more professional look and wear.